So, with that in mind, here are my carefully thought out plans for 2011. How do you plan to make next year a wonderful one?
1. Make friends with Nigella Lawson. I think I would fit in seamlessly at one of her evening soirées.
2. Make more money..this could tie in nicely with the Nigella thing and make for a nicer and more pleasant lifestyle.
3. Go to the cinema more. I am still annoyed at missing I Am Love.
4. Get back into yoga and become a calm and balanced individual who doesn't lose it over unwashed pots and annoying boyfriends.
5. To not cave in and use blog as a marketing device for already very successful fashion and beauty brands.
6. To go to Paris, Berlin and New York
7. To earn more money..did I already say that one?
Happy New Year
The Cat's Whiskers xx